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Claims Adjuster Training

Claims Adjuster Navigation within iDVI

Create the Inspection Request

2.1 Create Inspection
  • From the Active Inspections dashboard, click on Create Inspection located in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Enter the phone number of the repair facility and click the Submit button to open the Create Inspection screen.

Enter the Inspection Details

2.2 Inspection Details
  • Enter the Repair Facility details including the name of the Repair Facility, the Customer Name (Insured) and the Claim Number.
  • Add the vehicle using the drop down menus to add vehicle year, make, and model.
    • You can add additoinal details such as VIN and License number if desired.
  • Select the Inspection sheet.
  • Verify the Adjustor assignment (This will default to the User that is signed into the iDVI System.)

Enter Claim Details

2.3 Claim Details
  • Enter the Service Advisor Name, Phone Number and Email.
  • Add specific items to inspect under “Items to Inspect” to your iDVI request.
    • You can specify a description of the item, Concern, Info, or Service from the drop down.
    • Enter any claim specific image requests for the Service advisor. Example: Take picture of right front tire.
    • To create multiple items, click on + Add Items to Inspect button.

Note: Items to Inspect are specific to the claim and normally do not include the standard items you also want to capture such as Images/Videos of the Odometer, VIN, License Plate, etc.

Finalize and Dispatch

2.4 Finalize and Dispatch
  • To finalize the iDVI request and dispatch to the Service Advisor, click the Create and Send Inspection Button. This will add it to the Active Inspections dashboard and dispatch the iDVI request in a single step.
  • To finalize the iDVI request and add the iDVI request to the Active Inspections board but without dispatching, click the Create Inspection Button. This will add the iDVI to the board in an undispatched status for future dispatch.

Resending an iDVI

2.5 Resending an iDVI
  • From the selected iDVI:
  • Click on the Resend button at the top of the iDVI.
  • This will open up a dialog box to enter a phone number and email of the recipient.
  • The Service Advisor, Phone Number, and Email will prepopulate with the original claim information but can be overridden if sending to a different recipient.
    • Note: The message can be sent to multiple recipients by separating phone numbers and/or emails by a comma.
  • To resend the iDVI click the “Send Instant DVI” button.
  • Resending the iDVI will return the status to Inspecting on the Dashboard.

Updating an Existing iDVI

2.6 Update iDVI
  • To add an Item to Inspect from the iDVI click the + Add Items button.
  • In the window add the request for image in the Details section.
  • Click the + Add button to add it to the iDVI request.

Note: Best practice is to resend the iDVI to the Repair Facility after adding Items to Inspect

Navigation & Features

Navigation Features

To search for a specific active inspection:

  • Use the Search button located mid to upper right of the screen – between Filter and Slim View (not the Search icon at the top as this is a history search.)
  • From search bar you can search by customer name, claim number, or vehicle.

Search for closed inspections (history):

  • Use the Search button located at the very top of the screen, next to Create Inspection.
  • From search bar you can search by customer name, claim number, or vehicle.

Filtering Active Inspection Dashboard Results.

  • Use the Filter button and select your filter status from the dropdown menu.