Rewards & Referrals

Easy-to-use rewards program with a built-in innovative referral tool

How do I setup Rewards and Referrals?

Managing customers rewards is done in two sections R&R Point Setup +Add Referral Level – See the chart to understand how referrals are interlinked. Establish a point value for each level, and each visit R&R Reward Setup Name an award Establish a point...


Autoflow has built in notifications to keep the users up to date with customer responses, DVI and WO completions, and more. Notifications populate in the top right corner of the Autoflow pages under the bell icon. A counter will appear when a new notification comes in...

Kiosk Checkin / Scheduler

Autoflow Kiosk is designed to simplify even the busiest lobbies by leveraging the kiosk already in the customers pocket, their phone! Kiosk can be used by the client to check-in their vehicle or schedule appointments. Alternatively, the Kiosk can be a handheld...

Kiosk Setup

Setup and Options Appointment Slot Intervals Intervals: One hour, 30 min, or 15 min intervals, depending on your preference Max Appointments per Time interval can be set from –NONE– or 1-10 Max Appointments per Day Next Available Appointment: Client can...

Review Page Setup

Set up your automatic follow up message with a simple thank you text, or a build out a well crafted multi-link review page. Step 1: Two ways to access the setup page 1.) From Company Setup Scroll down to Preferences Click the link in the “Send Follow up...