Rewards & Referrals

Easy-to-use rewards program with a built-in innovative referral tool


Autoflow Introduces TireConnect integration to the Autoflow Online Scheduler Autoflow introduces the free TireConnect integration. A one-of-a-kind seamless connection bringing your tire shopping experience into your online scheduler   It works like this. Setup a...
Digital Repair Authorizations

Digital Repair Authorizations

Using the Repair Order Authorization utility to secure authorizations digitally. Protractor and Tekmetric users have access to the first version of this new tool. Additional integrations will follow in future releases. To enable this feature for your shop –...

Stone Eagle

Autoflow’s iDVI  integration with StoneEagle SCS claims inspection module eliminates dual entry and drives efficiency! Add Autoflow iDVI to Claim Begin by adding Autoflow to a claim when you are ready to request a virtual inspection. Click Payee from inside the...


Setup is simple Start by adding VIN and Mileage to any vehicle in the DVI. Scroll down and click the service intervals accordion. MOTOR will now display the OEM maintenance scheduled items require on that vehicle.The display will show mileage at and around the mileage...

Edit the New Customer Micro Site

Navigate to your Micro Site Page Admins navigate to the new setup page in their user menu. Access your admin drop-down panel Click on DVI setup Click Customer DVI Setup Color Customization The Customer DVI Setup page is ideal for choosing just the right combination to...