Rewards & Referrals

Easy-to-use rewards program with a built-in innovative referral tool

How do I use the Digital Vehicle Inspection (DVI)?

Everything you need to fully engage DVI.

Vehicle Details and Tabs

Vehicle Notes

Addressing RVH


Leveraging Integrations

Service Intervals

Inspection Form Utility

WO History

DVI History /Change Log

DVI History

Edit / Send DVI’s

Multi-Axle Tire Inspection

Vehicle Details and Tabs

Critical vehicle information at your fingertips.

Autoflow Digital Vehicle Inspection
Autoflow Digital Vehicle Inspection
The Vehicle Profile is where you will be able to retain relevant vehicle information.

You will fill out this information on the first visit only, except for mileage, all other data will be retained for repeat clients.

  • Profile Pictures are highly encouraged.
    • Typical profile pictures include an exterior photo, a picture of the VIN sticker, and a picture of the tire placard
  • Admins can require certain data fields to be filled out – these are indicated with a red asterisk. *
    • Missing required inputs will be highlighted yellow if a user attempts to submit.

Addressing the Reason the Vehicle is Here

Ensure the client’s main concern is addressed

Autoflow Digital Vehicle Inspection
Autoflow Digital Vehicle Inspection
The Vehicle Profile is where you will be able to retain relevant vehicle information.

You will fill out this information on the first visit only, except for mileage, all other data will be retained for repeat clients.

  • Profile Pictures are highly encouraged.
    • Typical profile pictures include an exterior photo, a picture of the VIN sticker, and a picture of the tire placard
  • Admins can require certain data fields to be filled out – these are indicated with a red asterisk. *
    • Missing required inputs will be highlighted yellow if a user attempts to submit.

DVI Customer Report

Your Clients’ Experience

  • Send the Customer Report with a single-click text or email to your customer.
  • Print for professional presentation to your customer.
  • No apps or downloads required for your customer.
  • Receive read notifications upon customer viewing the report.
  • Enables customers to call, email, or text the shop from within the report.
  • Customers are presented with custom pictures, videos, and notes.
Customer Report Front

Customer Report Overview

Clients receive a customizable text or email from your shop and follow a unique link to the Report Overview.
DVI Concerns in Customer Report

Client Info and Concerns

Clients see that you took down their concerns and if there were findings related to them with any notes, images, and videos you’ve attached.
DVI Immediate Attention on Customer Report

Recommended Attention

Clients access future and urgent recommendations for the service of their vehicle with notes, pictures, and videos.
DVI Pictures, Videos, Notes

Inspection Images

To get Clients a closer look, Technicians can upload pictures with markups and videos up to 60 seconds long.

Autoflow DVI Integrations

Hunter Engineering Company
Autoflow’s cloud-based integration with Hunter Engineering Company makes it easier than ever to deliver alignment results by automatically transferring digital alignment results to Autoflow’s DVI!
Groove Glove
Autoflow’s cloud-based integration with Groove Glove by Tire Profiles is making the tire section of Autoflow inspections an absolute thrill, for techs and clients alike! Autoflow users can have full Groove Glove reports integrated beautifully to their DVI. No Extra steps. Fully automatic. Simple.
Moto Visuals
AutoNet TV