Integration Levels


Why are Integration Levels Important?
- Allows SMS and Autoflow to work together seamlessly
- Higher rates of user success if data directly transferred between systems
- We build API’s to coordinate with the levels of Integration
- Defining the levels of Integration allows for clear communications
Level 1 Integrated SMS’s
Omnique | Protractor | Tireshop | Tekmetric | HITS BPOS | ShopKey | TireSMART | Mitchell 1 | RO Writer (Access) | RO Writer (SQL) | Napa TRACS | Shop-Ware | All Data | Winworks | MaxxTraxx | Yes Management | ASA Tiremaster | Repair Writer 5 | CDK | Shopboss | Lankar | MaddenCo
Shop Workflow
Final Quality Control
Quality Control implementation results in customer retention, add-on sales, shop credibility, and a positive reputation.
Text Communication
Follow-up and Review
Digital Vehicle Inspection
Rainy Day Folder
Integrated tightly to our Digital Vehicle Inspection platform following up on deferred or declined work has never been easier.
Level 2 Integrated SMS’s
Omnique | Protractor | Tireshop | Tekmetric | HITS BPOS | ShopKey | TireSMART | Shop-Ware | Mitchell 1 | RO Writer (Access) | RO Writer (SQL) | Repair Writer 5 | NAPA Tracs Enterprise | Shopboss
Shop Workflow
Final Quality Control
Quality Control implementation results in customer retention, add-on sales, shop credibility, and a positive reputation.
Text Communication
Follow-up and Review
Digital Vehicle Inspection
Rainy Day Folder
Integrated tightly to our Digital Vehicle Inspection platform following up on deferred or declined work has never been easier.
Level 3 integration allows users to push DVI results back into the shop management system (SMS) after a digital vehicle inspection (DVI) has been completed
Level 3 Integrated SMS’s
Omnique | Protractor | Tireshop | TireSMART | Tekmetric | Repair Writer 5 | Mitchell 1| Shop-Ware
Shop Workflow
Final Quality Control
Quality Control implementation results in customer retention, add-on sales, shop credibility, and a positive reputation.
Text Communication
Follow-up and Review
Digital Vehicle Inspection
Rainy Day Folder
Integrated tightly to our Digital Vehicle Inspection platform following up on deferred or declined work has never been easier.
Level 4 integration allows your shop to generate an Autoflow work order directly from your shop management system (SMS)
Level 4 Integrated SMS’s
Omnique | Protractor | Tireshop | TireSMART | Tekmetric | RO Writer (Access) | RO Writer (SQL) | Mitchell 1 | Repair Writer 5 | ShopKey | Shop-Ware| Repair Writer 5 | NAPA Tracs Enterprise
Work Order / TECHFLOW
Level 5 integration allows your shop to see customer vehicle history directly on your Autoflow digital vehicle inspection (DVI).
History in DVI
Shop Workflow
Final Quality Control
Quality Control implementation results in customer retention, add-on sales, shop credibility, and a positive reputation.
Text Communication
Follow-up and Review
Digital Vehicle Inspection
Rainy Day Folder
Integrated tightly to our Digital Vehicle Inspection platform following up on deferred or declined work has never been easier.