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Autoflow Blog: Change or Die - The key concepts of change applied to your shop

Change or Die – The key concepts of change applied to your shop

September 19, 2024

The book Change or Die is one that I strongly recommend to anyone looking to make a change in their life or business. Yes, the title is brutal, but the writer makes a strong point about change being hard. Nine out of ten people won’t change their habits when faced with death. They won’t change their diets, exercise routines, or lifestyles. They try but end up failing. The author then goes on to talk about how you can successfully change.

He talks about the three R’s: Relate, Repeat, and Reframe.

Relate is the first step that most of us forget. If you want to learn to play soccer, don’t hang out with tennis players. If you want to be a good business owner, hang out with great business owners. Find the group of people that you want to be like and relate to. Too often, I talk to business owners who are islands and have no support group.  They have no idea how good or bad they’re doing compared to others and do business the way they always have.

The second step, Repeat, is one we’re taught often. To create a habit, you repeat the action until it becomes a habit. We know this, but we get “busy” and find other things to occupy our time versus doing the thing we know will help us create a better habit.

The third is Reframe, which is to look at the change made, and adjust things as needed.

I think too many times we skip Relate and Reframe, and jump to Repeat. We buy the gym membership and think we are going to go five days a week only to be defeated again over time.  Just by joining a friend on a walk is a simple, relatable step that can promote change.

Change or Die – It is worth the read!

Chris Cloutier