AI & IVR – More Acronyms

The best way to describe these is to think Alexa. Alexa is a great example that uses both. I can remember when the first voice recognition software programs came out, and they were horrible. You might recall how frustrating it was to use Voice to Text translation on your phone just a few years ago. Forget it if you had any type of accent. Now, when talking to Alexa, it is almost too easy. Alexa understands multiple phrases, questions and answers, and her vocabulary and ability grows daily.
We need to be aware of how this will affect our industry. Won’t it be nice when technicians and service advisors can speak to Alexa to fill out a DVI or get a part found and ordered? And, what about something simple like automatically responding via text message to a question like, “How late is your shop open today?” I can tell you this technology is already here, and it will only keep advancing and get better.
More acronyms, yes, but important ones that you need to know.

Chris Cloutier
Architect/President at Autoflow
The Desire for Continuous Improvement
As an auto repair shop owner of Golden Rule Auto Care, Chris Cloutier realized the need for a better way to communicate with his customers as he observed how communication gaps created bottleneck situations and wasted valuable rack time.