Yes, my title this week is somewhat long and confusing, but let me take it apart piece by piece. This Friday, I will be joining a Town Hall with Carm Capriotto on Remarkable Results Radio about Quality Control. This topic is not sexy and can be boring, yet it is very much needed in our industry of aftermarket auto repair. We can ruin a great relationship with a customer by the most minimal of mistakes, like leaving grease on their steering wheel or not resetting their vehicle’s oil change light. We as owners do a poor job of tracking and correcting these issues for many reasons, including the time it takes to properly perform quality control inspections and the objections we can receive from our teams. Please listen on Friday, as it should be a great conversation. Hopefully, you will learn just one thing.
Now, more about Carm, the host of Remarkable Results Radio. Carm is a 35-year industry veteran and has been a huge asset to this industry. His site,, now archives days worth of rich insight from quality owners and industry professionals spanning from how to run a business, to how to recruit, and onto the personal journeys of our peers. I have listened to hours of insight and always seem to pick up more than just one thing (Carm’s tag line is, “Listen to Learn Just ONE Thing!). I believe listening to his show and podcasts as an owner or professional is a very inexpensive way to learn tons of valuable insight and information.
If you aren’t listening, start now.
Tune in to the Town Hall Academy this Friday, July 14, at 12 Noon EST: Facebook Live: or Zoom: .

Chris Cloutier
Architect/President at Autoflow
The Desire for Continuous Improvement
As an auto repair shop owner of Golden Rule Auto Care, Chris Cloutier realized the need for a better way to communicate with his customers as he observed how communication gaps created bottleneck situations and wasted valuable rack time.