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Change or Die - The key concepts of change applied to your shop

Change or Die – The key concepts of change applied to your shop

April 7, 2021

Change or Die – The key concepts of change applied to your shop

Apr 7, 2021

This webinar began as an internal reading recommendation from our CEO, Chris Cloutier. Chris encouraged our team read the book “Change or Die” by Alan Deutschman.

The book talks about three keys to successful change. Relate – Repeat – Reframe.

If you have ever wondered why you are successful at change in some circumstances, but struggle at others, you’ll enjoy this discussion.
Hosted by Craig O’Neill, our Autoflow panelists will present the concepts in the book and relate them to the auto-repair industry.

After watching, our hope is that you will reflect an expectation for success and continue to make meaningful changes in our industry.

Chris Cloutier