NAPA TRACS Enterprise Ticket Transfer

From NAPA TRACS Enterprise

To your Autoflow Dashboard

For a transfer to occur, your ticket must contain these items:

  • Client first and last name or business name.
  • Cell number in the “Phone” field. (marked as primary number)
  • Vehicle Year/Make/Model.
  • Ticket must have a “Created” date showing current date.
  • You must select a mapped status.
  • You must select “Save”.

Step 1: Customer Information & Vehicle Info

  • Verify the clients information.
  • If the client has multiple numbers the cell number must be marked as “Primary”.
  • Verify the vehicle is the one that you will be working on during this visit.
  • Verify the “Created” date is the current date.

Step 2: Adding Reason Vehicle is Here (RVH) – Option A

  • In the “Work Order Notes” field.
  • You can select an RVH from the “Symptoms List”.
  • You can manually type one in the box.
  • You can add multiple RVH’s to the repair order.

Step 2: Adding Reason Vehicle is Here (RVH) – Option B

  • Add a note to the WO
  • Use RVH as the item (1)
  • Enter a description: i.e. “Customer Concern”
  • Type the details of the issue in the Notes (2)
    • The information in the notes field will be represented in Autoflow

Step 3: Selecting the Status and Saving

  • From the “Status” field drop-down select “Repair Order”
  • Saving the repair order will transfer the information to Autoflow if all the criteria were met.


You now know the basics of adding a ticket into Autoflow from Napa Tracs!

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