Ticket Transfer Criteria
The following Omnique data points are required for Ticket Transfer to occur:
- Customer First and Last names
- Customer Phone number: Autoflow (Autoflow) will use the first mobile number listed. If no mobile number is listed, Autoflow will use any phone number that is present.
- Vehicle Year, Make, and Model (YMM)
Adding Concerns to Tickets
Concerns noted on the Omnique ticket using a “C1” part number will also be transferred to the Reason Vehicle is Here (RVH) line in the Autoflow DVI and Work Order.
Note: C1/RVH will transfer when the vehicle is initially checked in, C1 lines added in Omnique later do transfer to the RVH in Autoflow but require changing the RO Status in Omnique to trigger the new data to be pushed to Autoflow.