Protractor Check-in / Kiosk

Curbside Check-in or Online Scheduling, the Autoflow KIOSK will allow you to start tickets in Protractor from anywhere, with any device.

How to do Curb Side / Drive Up Check-in Step by Step
Build your questionnaire

Build your questionnaire

Before you initiate this feature, build out your KIOSK / Scheduler in such a way that your checkin process will be reflected.

You can have more questions than you need, including first time gathering of information for clients that do not yet exist in your system.

For more on setup options, see our KIOSK tutorial.

Checkin - Protractor

Start the Checkin Process to create an RO in Protractor

While the checkin utility can be texted to a client for self checkin, we also encourage advisors to orchestrate the actual inputs in most usage cases.

Open the KISOK from your menu or leave it bookmarked on any mobile device (yes, even a smartphone!)

Once open:

  1. Enter the clients cell number
  2. Click Next
Visit Details - Kiosk

Capture Client and Vehicle Info

Existing clients will be recognized by Autoflow if they have been through the system before.New details can also be added.

  1. Add/Update Client information (Name, number are required, email is optional but encouraged!)
  2. Set waiting/dropoff status (Shuttle option can also be toggled on in setup)
  3. Add Year/Make/Model or
  4. Select preexisting vehicle (profile images from previous visits appear here)

Optional: You can add mileage once a vehicle is selected, if known.

Gather Reason Vehicle is Here in Questionnaire

Gather RVH in Questionnaire

You may want to collect addition information here beyond the details on the car.
New clients, for example, you may wish to collect address information.

You can toggle certain questions to ONLY appear to new clients in Setup.

NOTE: These answers will transfer to Protractor as a Concern Note on the RO.

Add Service Requests via Kiosk

Add Service Requests

You can choose to have key menu items on the service list in the KIOSK, you can select the desired services here.

If there are notes or key details needed here, they can be added. These will appear in Autoflow.

  1. Select a job
  2. Add notes
Review and Submit

Review and Submit

  1. Review details
  2. Collect Customer Signature (Optional)
  3. Submit!
Autoflow Active Customer Page

Autoflow Active Customer Page

Tickets instant add from KIOSK. No refresh necessary.

Full details from KIOSK are available for reference in Details.

Autoflow Digital Vehicle Inspection

Autoflow Digital Vehicle Inspection

Advisors or other staff can immediately begin the inspection process.

Curb-side with the client is a great time to enter the walk around details.

Protractor WIP/Prioritization

Protractor WIP/Prioritization

Hit refresh in Protractor to see the newly Checked in ticket.

Protractor WO

Protractor WO

You can immediately open the ticket and add services.

Best practice: Save and Close after assigning a tech. .

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