iDVI Admin Functions

Important Note: You must be logged in with the System Admin credentials to perform these tasks

Adding Users (Claims Adjusters)

Adding Users (Claims Adjusters)
  1. From the admin menu in the upper right corner select Add/Manage Users.
  2. Select the blue +Add New User button in the upper right to open the Add/Manage User window.
  3. Select Service Advisor (same as Claims Adjuster) from the Job Role dropdown menu and enter the Adjuster First/Last Name, either a Phone Number or Email, create a password and select Add New User at the bottom.
  4. User will be inactive by default (red background) and can be manually activated by using the power button.

Note: The phone number used in the Adjuster profile is only used for account activation and recovery and will never be used in communication with clients or shops.

Editing an Existing User (Claims Adjuster)

Editing an Existing User (Claims Adjuster)
  1. To edit an existing user navigate to the user menu as directed above and select the Edit button on the far left of the user you would like to edit (looks like a pencil and paper)
  2. You can edit the Name, Username, Contact info and job role.

Resetting User Passwords

Resetting User Passwords

The Add/Manage User screen is also where you can reset users passwords if self recovery fails.

  1. Select the Edit Password button from the icons to the left of the users name (looks like a pad lock).
  2. You can now create a new password for the user (make sure to follow the parameters, 12 characters, 1 upper and 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 unique character).

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