Protractor User Mapping

User Mapping between protractor and Autoflow ensures everyone is properly assigned in both systems.

Identify your Protractor Display Name

Identify your Protractor Display Name

  1. Goto Setup (as admin in Protractor)
  2. Goto Employees
  3. Click the name of the employee you are mapping
  4. Confirm the employee display name. Copy this to your clipboard (or memorize it)
Insert the Display name into Autoflow

Insert the Display name into Autoflow

  1. Goto admin menu and select “Manage User”
  2. Click the pencil icon next to the name of the employee you are mapping
  3. Type or paste in the display name from Protractor
  4. Click Save Changes

Note: To save time in setup, you can add the display name during the “Add User” process.

Assigned Techs and Advisors appear on the workflow.

Assigned Techs and Advisors appear on the workflow.

With user mapping, the best practice is to assign your staff on the ticket in Protractor and then use TechFlow (Advanced Tier) or SetPriority (Standard Tier) to prioritize the work order for your team.

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