Kiosk Setup

Setup and Options

1-1 Setup and Options
1-2 Setup and Options

Appointment Slot Intervals

  1. Intervals: One hour, 30 min, or 15 min intervals, depending on your preference
  2. Max Appointments per Time interval can be set from –NONE– or 1-10
  3. Max Appointments per Day
  4. Next Available Appointment: Client can schedule any appointment immediately available, unless you specify a buffer. This is where you set how sudden this can actually be.
    • This option is meant to give you time to react and set expectations for appointment requests and prevent an automated appointment from interjecting itself into a perceived schedule gap.
  5. Block Appointments during lunch hour
    • This can be toggled on to block appointments during the lunch period. The lunch period is selected in the Company Setup menu when you set your business hours, or you can click the link to take you there. When this is toggled on, customers will not be able to select appointment times during the lunch hour
  6. Signature Pad
  7. Shuttle Service
    • This option can be toggled off if a shuttle is not offered.
  8. Force Dropoff
    • This option can be toggled on if you do not provide a waiting option.
  9. Disclaimer
    • Enter any disclaimer statement text that you would like to be displayed and acknowledged by the customer when the appointment is scheduled.


2-1 Questionaire Setup-min
2-2 Questionnaire Setup-min

The questionnaire is generally used to gather general information about the vehicle and the reason that the vehicle is in for service. It can be customized to ask any question that might be pertinent to the repair visit.

Note: The New Customer toggle will only ask that question to customers that have not been entered into Autoflow through a previous service visit or appointment.

Service/Repair Jobs

3-1 Service-Repair Jobs Setup-min
3-2 Service-Repair Jobs Client View-min
  • The Service/Repair Jobs tab allows you to add menu or common jobs with optional pricing that customers can then select when setting an appointment.
  • Jobs cab be arranged via drag and drop.

Checkin QR Code

4-1 Kiosk Setup - QR Code-min
  • If desired you can print a QR code to display in your shop to allow customers to checkin by scanning the QR code.
  • Click the Print Kiosk QR Code button to print the document.

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