Don’t wait for the phone to ring, follow up on missed opportunities using the Rainy Day Folder.
Clients now have confidence with the validity of your marketing follow-ups. The attached Autoflow DVI assures your client that the items that your advisors recommendations are genuine.
Rainy Day Folder is based on unauthorized items in the DVI
- Proper usage of the DVI involves tracking which jobs are approved and which are not.
- Advisors use the Yes/NO toggle in the Autoflow DVI during the sales call or before closing a ticket
- The Rainy Folder will include Yellow (!) or Red (X) items that are NOT marked “yes”
Advisors access the Rainy Day Folder from their user menus
Determine a frequency you would like to require your team to engage the opportunities waiting for you in the folder. Consider designating a “reservationist” and task them with generating appointments from these visits.
- Click your user menu
- Select the Rainy Day Folder
Determine a date range to review tickets with unapproved items
- Click the orange button to verify the items have not been sold already
- Click the blue Read-Only button to view the DVI
- Click the blue re-send button to open directly to the sending modal without reviewing
- Items highlighted in green have been notified, the last date is noted in the right column
Audit the validity of the report before sending
- Clicking the orange button opens a modal which allows you to audit, review, and send the report
- Compare your unapproved Rainy items with your clients repair history to ensure you didn’t miss indicating prior authorization
- It is important to review items to maintain the validity of your reminders.
- If you performed a repair, you can click the “No” to turn it into a “Yes” A second prompt will ask you to confirm this irreversible action.
Send the reminder via text/email
- Confirm the phone number and email for your client
- Type a customized or personal message in the main body. Keep this short and concise to maintain deliver-ability via text. (longer messages should be emails).