Service Reminders

Service Reminders Dashboard

How it Works

The AI: recognizes services and populates them in the Service Reminder Queue.

  • Oil changes are detected and queued, pre-classified based on oil weight, and grade.
  • State Inspections are recognized and queued.
  • Tire Rotations are recognized and queued.

The Advisor: reviews the queue and makes the final determination on which ones are scheduled.

  • To schedule a reminder, click the blue button.
  • To Cancel hit the red button.
  • To customize a reminder or set a unique date, click the green button.
Template Intervals

Template YOUR Recommended Intervals

Administrators can specify the intervals that their facility advises.

  • Set Mileage intervals.
  • Set Time intervals.
  • Set the date for reminders to be delivered prior to the due date for the service.

If more than one service interval with proper mileage exists, the system can calculate an expected date that the client is expected to reach the mileage threshold for their next service. One click will schedule that parameter as the reminder from the queue.

Template Messaging

Personalize Your Messaging Templates

Administrators can establish default templates that work for most clients. Personalize these messages to reflect the culture and communication style for your shop.

Users can also set the time of day that reminders are delivered.

Service Detection / Reminder Protection

If a reminder was scheduled, and the system detects a service was performed related to the scheduled reminder, the previous reminder will be automatically removed and replaced with a new reminder queued off the most recent service.

Informed Follow-ups scheduling from an intelligent, tightly integrated, single screen.

Job Details

Verify Job Tags

Job Description tags are all clickable in order to be audited quickly.

  • Ensure the accuracy of the AI.
  • Single screen view for specific service items and the clients frequency in addressing it.
Job History

Instant History and Critical Details

Clicking the tag automatically triggers a search with the keywords of the tag. Users can expand this search or remove keywords entirely to see the full scope of history for this client.

One screen for advisors to schedule reminders with informed decisions.

Instant invoice history and complete details.

  • Labor and details
  • Parts and quantities
  • Invoice numbers and totals
  • Mileage and date
  • Other jobs/techs/service writers

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