Shop-Ware Integrated Inspections

Perform your inspections in our industry-leading DVI and export your findings to Shop-Ware.

Complete your inspection in Autoflow

1.0 DVI Push
  • Techs perform their inspections in Autoflow.
  • Service Advisors or Techs can click the “Push to SMS” button at the top of the DVI.
  • From any device, no copy and paste required.

DVI findings are published directly to the Shop-Ware RO

2.0 DVI PUSH Results
  • Red and Yellow marked items on the DVI will be published directly to the Shop-Ware ticket.
  • Advisors may not estimate items from the findings and prepare their presentations with ease.

Tip: A key advantage of the Autoflow DVI is that the inspection is sent from Autoflow completely standalone for the customer’s review on the vehicles state of health. This step is advised before sharing electronic estimates and pricing.

The easiest way to put work order history from Shop-Ware to work.

Shop-Ware History in the DVI

3.0 - History Heade
  • Expandable/Collapsible history can be found beneath vehicle details.
  • No waiting. The data loads instantly with the DVI the moment the page is opened.
  • Each Invoice is expandable for key job details: Parts, and part numbers. Labor, and labor times.
  • Expand/Collapse each individual, or multiple Repair Orders.

Technicians can investigate key details during their inspection without further need to switch browser tabs.

Search Shop-Ware History by keyword

4.0 Search
  • Click “Search Jobs”
  • Type a few letters, numbers, or keywords.
  • Search results are highlighted across all tickets that include search variables, instantly.

Service Reminders – Optional Feature

5.0 SR Dash
  • At the close of each tickets, Autoflow can identify key services from Shop-Ware history.
  • If enabled, services go to a queue where shop staff have the option to schedule based on times or mileage.

More information on the Service Reminders function is available here.