From conventional vehicle to dually truck or big-rig the Multi-Axle Tire Inspection gives you the flexibility you need for a diverse range of vehicle types.
Adding Tires and Axles
Adding Details
OE / Actual: These fields are for noting the OE tire size recommended on the vehicle and document the actual size it arrived with.
PSI Before / After: Fill this information in if you like. It is not required but shows up well to clients.
Tread Depth: This can be in 32nds of an inch or in millimeters.</>
Status: Green, Orange, Red on the tread! Use the drop-down to indicate general status.
Images: Click the camera icon to add an image. These will be tagged based on which camera icon you added. Images on additional axles will be indicated LRO3, LRO4, etc.
Images can be marked up in the same manner as images elsewhere in the DVI
DOT / Notes / Approvals
- Notes on the tire can be mentioned here. Plugs? Weathered? Fill in any relevant details the client, or the sales staff should be aware of.
- This is for adding the DOT# in its entirety, or minimally, the date code of the tires CURRENTLY on the vehicle.
- The Yes/No approval is for the advisor or sales reps to indicate if this tire was approved during this visit. This can be indicated before, after, or during the inspection.
Tablet / Mobile Screen View
- Techs or Advisors can perform the tire inspection from their mobile devices.
- The view will appear unique compared to the images above, but the functions are identical.
- Floating navigation shortcuts make it easier to jump to other areas.
- Information is consolidated in order to make the most of a smaller screen.
Tire Rotation Reminder
- Techs or Advisors and Sales Reps can click on the rotation reminder.
- Selectable before, during, or after the DVI.
- Templated by admin in DVI Sheet Setup Page.
- This reminder is added to the reminders queue ONLY after the current ticket is closed with this option selected.
- In other words, don’t worry, if you uncheck this before you close a ticket, the reminder will not be scheduled.
- Reminders can be edited at any time after a visit is concluded.