Autoflow’s iDVI integration with StoneEagle SCS claims inspection module eliminates dual entry and drives efficiency!
Add Autoflow iDVI to Claim
Create & Send an iDVI Inspection Link
Next, fill out key information needed to send the inspection request to the recipient (service advisor/technician)
Click Request Inspection (this will be grayed out unless Autoflow is added to the claim in the previous step)
In the Repairer Contact Name field, enter the name, cell number and email of the recipient using a semi-colon between each item
Example: John Smith;2223436676;
To specify and request specific pictures and videos needed for this claim, enter these in the Reason for Inspection notes field separating each item with a semi-colon
Example: Take picture demonstrating damage to camshaft;take picture to show image of broken rocker arms;take picture of oil leak in main gasket
NOTE: the semi-colon will allow you to separate out items that you need to be inspected
Click Send
This will send the iDVI link to the contact.
The contact will perform the iDVI and submit back to you.
Review Submitted iDVI History
When the inspection is completed, you can easily view results and get the information required to ensure a successful claims process.
Click View Inspection History
Click View link to open the iDVI in Autoflow.
Inspection history will be tracked. Including:
Send time/date
Contact start time/name
Completion time/date