6/22/2022 – System Improvements
- Sales Report – Added count of total inspections as a pill selection. This allows for a quick understanding of total closed tickets for a time period vs. the total number of tickets with DVI’s.
- Engaged Report – Rewrite of the engaged report allows you to focus on engagement with familiar report customizations already available in newer reports.
- Manage Users Page – We’ve added a column to give at-a-glance insight into user mapping. This should help users identify when a staff member has not been properly linked with their SMS username.
- DVI Line Item History – It is now more clear what mileage an item was addressed at in previous inspections, and if it was addressed.
- DVI – New Sub-Statuses are available so techs can choose notes directly from the Green/Yellow/Red statuses. This is a new feature with a lot of flexibility for shops to standardize language across entire categories or individual line items. See our training page for details and manage sub statuses in DVI Sheet Setup
- Tireshop Integration – Promised time is now interpreted by Autoflow and populates as the ETC. This makes promised time visible automatically on your Active Customer Page if you user settings are set to show it.
- Tire Inspections – Powersports and motorcycle facilities now have a graphical tire inspection that better matches the number of wheels on their client’s vehicles.
iDVI Enhancements:
- Resend iDVI Request – Adjustors can now resend an iDVI Inspection Request directly from the DVI. Previous repair facility contact info is pre-populated for and allows for quick resends. Resending the iDVI request also moves the status of the request back to the inspecting or pre-completion status automatically.
- iDVI Report – This new report will allow claims adjudicators and claims management personnel to view key metrics about iDVIs sent and completed over a selected date range.
- iDVI Tire Inspections – Powersports and motorcycle facilities now have a graphical tire inspection that better matches the number of wheels on their client’s vehicles.
- iDVI Image Upload – When uploading an image to the iDVI we have updated the choices to “Add Image” or “Add Video” to avoid confusion from repair facilities.
Bug Fixes:
- Widget – Received time was not correct for all users. Now it is!
- Widget – The submit button was sometimes buried under messages, this has been moved to be more accessible.
- DVI – Changing the sign-off user was not always populated the top most user option. We’ve also added Writers to the list of potential sign-off personnel, these were unintentionally left out of the drop-down.
- Adding Users – A bug preventing SMS usernames from saving during user creation has been resolved.
- Calendar – Appointment time is now appearing properly on the calendar for all users.
- DVI Links – Links to DVI’s no longer expire after one year. It will no longer be necessary to resend an inspection if your client has retained the link from the original visit.
6/1/2022 – System Improvements
- Technical – The main element of this release is a large technical update benefiting our users of integrated management systems. This is a phased rollout that will occur over the next several releases. Users should notice no changes in functionality or integration behaviors in this time. We look forward to more efficient improvements to integrations in the near future when this important update is concluded.
- DVI – Administrators can now make images and/or videos required on a DVI. In DVI Sheet Setup, you can click the camera icon next to a line item to require an image for that item on all inspections Users cannot submit a DVI as completed unless an image is included. If line item videos are permitted, another icon will also appear which allows the admin to require a video in the same manner. These options are in addition to the original ‘required’ button. Any combination of requirements are permitted.
- DVIEnhanced alerts for DVI users are now in place. The new alerts are more descriptive of the type of requirement that is missing from a DVI. This will assist users in correcting those items and enable them to get those DVI’s submitted!
Bug Fixes:
- The new ability to pre-attach Moto-Visuals videos to a DVI is now fully restored. The manner in which the API calls occur has been modified to be more efficient. Pre-attaching MV videos is an option in DVI Sheet Setup. Moto-Visuals integration is a free integration for MV subscribers.