Sending the DVI to the Client
- The DVI can be sent only after the technician has signed-off on the inspection.
- This is indicated with a notification to the SA, and the DVI button on the dash turns orange.
- To send, first you will open the DVI by clicking one of the two DVI buttons highlighted below.
- This is indicated with a notification to the SA, and the DVI button on the dash turns orange.
- Once you have opened the signed-off DVI, you can send it from the blue buttons on the upper right.
- If the sheet is completed satisfactorily, click the buttons to send it to the customer via Text, Email or both.
- Note: These buttons are disabled until a staff member signs off on the DVI. If you cannot click these buttons, the DVI has not been marked completed.
- Upon clicking the Text or Email button a second window will pop up.
- Here you can change the phone number(s) selected or send it to an alternate number
- You can also edit the message. Please do NOT edit the link, or else the client will not be able to open their inspection from you message.
- Once sent, the buttons will turn green, so you will not have to question if you have already sent them.
- Mouse over, and it will tell you when the inspection was sent as well.