DVI: Multiple enhancements improving the user experience performing and reviewing DVIs.
- A new button has been added in the Sheet Setup page to easily navigate to the place to add itemized notes for a specific line item. Click the + button to easily add findings.
- New Filter to show required items ONLY – (This is useful for techs performing inspections that include multiple requirements across multiple categories.)
- Consistent symbols to indicate requirements. The asterisk is now used in all areas to indicate a requirement. We’ve added the H next to line items to indicate there is history visible if you click the line item name.
- New option to make a vehicle profile picture required – This will help ensure a profile pic is added if admins require it.
- New option to set a default vehicle profile image – click on the vehicle profile image – in the modal – select “default” This will ensure that the default image is the image visible on page load when there are multiple profile images to choose from.
- Customer Name is now displayed in the minimized (collapsed) details header. This means you can keep the details collapsed but still see which client’s vehicle you’re working with. (Helpful when you have a lot of similar vehicles!)
- DVI Sign off Submit/Complete button has been added to the top of the DVI – previously it was all. The way…. Keep scrolling. Down. Down. Keep going. Yep. down… All the way, dude. Yep the very bottom.
- Incomplete DVI’s are now added to the customer profile / history page for a client. This means even if the DVI is not submitted… administrators will be able to easily open up and review those partially performed sheets – and see pictures, notes, etc. Brilliant!
- Tire Size data now pushes to Tekmetric when entered in Autoflows Graphical Tire Inspection. OE and Actual size inputs will transfer as a clear note directly into Tekmetrics inspection tab.
Digital RO Approval Form
- Push notifications are now sent to users when a customer signs.submits approvals from Autoflows RO authorization form.
- Text confirmations are now sent to the client upon approval – adding further documentation of approvals into the text logs.
- New mouseover data indicating number of visits. Hover over the details button on any ticket and you will see a simple count of the number of visits that client has had with that vehicle.
- Add ability to preview to MotoVisuals, the leader in education videos for clients, in Autoflows Text Manager – the leading communication platform for shops!
Bug Fixes:
- Multiple small fixes to the new RO Approval form. These include tweaks to the RO button on the workflow and the triggers for indicating when forms are viewed but not yet authorized. Also – better indication for when re-authorizations occur and need to revert to yellow – indicating approval is still pending.
- New preventions for archiving default sheets. Users must select a new sheet to be the default before they archive the current default.
- Misc sorting errors on reporting have been addressed.
- Service Reminders skipped because the item was serviced again before the reminder are now properly indicated to have been skipped for that reason.
- Corrected a bug with special characters in workflow graphic titles mapping with Tekmetric RO labels.
- Corrected an issue where notes ensconced in < > were hiding improperly.
- Corrected an issue in Text Manager where using the return key after a link would break images or hyperlinks on the shop side.
- Corrected an issue where send times were not updated along with a date change for Rainy Folder reminders.
- Tekmetric: Estimate links are now being properly shortened.
- Tekmetric: Book hours now update properly after regeneration of the WO
- Tekmetric: Scheduled Appointments in Autoflows Quick Start and Details now properly update Tekmetrics calendar.