September 2024 Release Notes


Autoflow V4 marketing suite

Marketing – v4 page updates have been added to the Marketing Module – with notable performance improvements and streamlined campaign creation.  Users can expect familiar behaviors throughout the updated interface and all functions to be on par with the earlier version.  More to come!  This was an important step in the right direction.

Digital RO Approval Form – While this is still only available for Protractor and Tekmetric shops – the approval process is enhanced with push notifications to alert advisors when approvals occur. 

Customer Address – Autoflow is now capable of collecting customer mailing address data with select integrations. This is not displayed or used at this time but will become available for shops to leverage for marketing purposes in the near future.

DVI VIN# – If you require a VIN number on the DVI it will now require 17 characters and throw an alert to users if the VIN entered is less than 17 characters.  For you shops that don’t work in the rust belt and who enjoy seeing pre 1981 vehicles you will notice we don’t enforce this requirement.

Bay Scheduler – We have not forgotten those interested in bay scheduling options.  In this release there is a small enhancement to this view of the calendar – it allows you to quickly add appointments to a bay manually.  Note – at this time you cannot easily adjust the time of the appointments by dragging – you can adjust the bay the appointment is in by dragging.

Tire/Tyre Inspections – However you spell it – you can require them… to be inspected in the graphical Tire/Tyre section of the DVI.

Add Manage Users – Back by demand on the new manage users page is the ability to tab across the hours fields and type the hours for active time by technicians.  If you know. You know. 

Company Setup – We’ve relabeled the field formerly titled “Widget Shop Name” to “Public Shop Name” and now use this name in all customer facing portions of the application. 

Work Orders – Signed off before you put all the parts on the car? We got you. A signed off work order can now be reverted to incomplete. Click the button at the top of the work order that indicates signoff – and revert to incomplete and go finish the job this time!

DVI Notes Setup – For integrations which import DVI notes, but have character limits, we now show admins the limit in the setup page for their integration.

Predefined Notes Setup – The new v4 page now auto sorts predefined notes alphabetically when adding new notes.

Calendar – The calendar now defaults to ONLY show appointments and events.  No more startling clutter of active tickets shocking you into a panic.  We’re certain your day will feel much more manageable with a more clear view of what’s coming in!

Client Microsite – Vehicle pictures will remain consistent across the DVI, the WO, QC, and RO Approval forms. (if the vehicle profile images are shown)

DVI Sheet Setup – v4 page is now live!  Also – Protractor users will now see the Protractor job codes properly for package mapping

DVI Sheet Setup – Shared DVI Sheets will now display the package code mapping – but child locations will NOT be able to edit the codes.

Integration – NAPA Tracs users will now have the option of prohibiting the image link from pushing to TRACS in the notes transferred from the DVI.


Profile Bug:  Tech logins were able to change the toggle from a location on the dashboard.  This wasn’t intended and the ability has again been restricted for use by the proper admin and/or service advisor authorities.

QC Forms:  Users were not being properly alerted to required images in the QC form.  This has been corrected so inspectors will now know they need to get the images they should have taken.

Parts Vendors:  The v4 vendor setup page, for indicating which vendor you are waiting for, had an issue preventing the newly added vendors from appearing in the setup page – even though the addition was successful.  We’re very sorry, but this was totally our fault that it took so long for your vendors to show up… on the setup page.  Now they’ll show up immediately… on the setup page.

Misc: Other minor bugs were addressed, including some technical, and nuanced integration items that did not impact user behaviors.

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