2025 Release Notes

January 20th, 2025 Release Notes


Customer Profile


  • The customer profile has been updated to V4.
  • New Interface! We still include an option, for now, to return to the V3 format. This same option will exist as we continue our V4 updates.
  • An AI summary was added to let users know when this client first visited as well as the following:
    • Last Visit Date
    • Last Visit Vehicle
    • Total Visit Count
    • Total Spend
    • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
    • New “Sold” Vehicle option to function as a ‘soft archive’ which will remove the vehicle from the clients active vehicle list but still preserve the data associated with the vehicle.

Autoflow New Jan 2025 client profile


Marketing Module Enhancements:

  • F/R: When editing an existing campaign, you can jump to different steps without clicking the “previous” or “next” buttons.
  • F/R: On the summary page of creating/editing a campaign, you can now click on the audience name. The audience preview modal will appear to browse the audience list.
  • F/R: “Back to campaigns” button has been added that links back to the campaigns screen from the editor.
  • F/R: Moved some of the alerts/warnings to different areas and simplified the summary layout to make the summary screen occupy less screen space.
  • F/R: The top of the campaigns screen no longer shows a banner with plan info. On page load, the plan info is loaded asynchronously, and a badge is placed at the top left. On hover, a tooltip with plan information is displayed

Autoflow Marketing Updates

Active Customer Page:

  • Sticky “Search” is here! Finding tickets on the dashboard is easier when using the search tool. Now, search will remain open until disabled. If active, the cursor will default to the search box (meaning you can just type and the ticket, RO#, name, or vehicle will appear! This remains sticky on page re-loads or refreshes.
  • Sticky “Future Appointments” is here! When selected Future Appointments will remain in view until deselected. This remains sticky on page re-loads or refreshes. (Yes you can combine this with the sticky search!

Tire Inspections:

  • You can now select the tread depth measurement system you prefer! Administrators can choose between inches and millimeters. The setting is modified in the DVI Sheet Setup Page by clicking the pencil icon on the tire inspection. This option affects the note input field up and down arrows. This is less important if you already have preset sub-statues with your measurement details.

Autoflow Tire inspection inches vs Millimeters


  • Rainy Day Folder Sticky date selection is here! Now users of the Rainy Folder can open the date range you left it last! This keeps it simple to manage the folder from wherever you left off.
    Text to Pay report is now v4! (Options to return to v3 remain) Check out the new UI for this report and count your money from text to pay transactions. Good times.

Appointment Notifications:

  • The Appointment confirmation emails sent to a shop now identify WHICH shop received the appointment. For MSO groups who use the same email for inbound appointments, this will make it easier to know which site requires administration if necessary.

Bay Scheduler:

  • Added ability to add appointments from the Bay Scheduler
  • Added ability to expand existing appointment times via click and drag.
  • Added ability to click to edit appointments date/time
  • Added ability to drag and drop appointment cards across different bays and times
  • Note – moving appointments on the bay scheduler will NOT resend appointment confirmation texts or reminders. The movement of the appointments is intended for organizational purposes and aid online appointments.

Autoflow Bay Scheduling - Phase 2

Internal Chat v4:

  • This planned enhancement has been delayed one week.

Bug Fixes:

This release included 50 separate bug fixes! Most are very small things, however, we’ve selected a few more notable items here.

DVI Bugs:

  • Benchmark scores for videos are calculating properly again!
  • Itemized Notes in DVI Notes Setup are now organized by their items – not the first letter in the note…


  • DVI AI Mapping has been re-trained to know the difference between transmission fluid and transmission mounts.
  • Rear Brakes Pads line items were showing brake service history on the Front Brake Pads DVI Item.

NOTE: Sometimes what seems like errant associations are not bugs. When training the AI we built in allowances for some things so techs would be alerted to closely related systems being addressed. We count on your feedback to refine this system, and the best practice for this feature encourages techs to always click to look at last serviced data whenever it populates.

Rainy Folder:

  • Manually sent Rainy Day messages will now appended the customer greeting in the same way that queued messages do.
  • Rainy Day Folder will now show visits from same day closures on the default 7 day view.
  • Corrected a bug to ensure variables like {vehicle} and {appt_link} are programmatically replaced with the proper items.
  • Messages that are updated when manually adding to the send queue will now reflect any changes made.
  • Firefox users will now see images open instead of download when clicking on them in the Rainy Folder.

Marketing Bugs:

  • Bug: The dropdown list for MSO shops on main campaigns now adjusts width dynamically based on longest shop name.
  • Bug: The Total Revenue & ARO in report modal were reformatted.
  • Bug: Changed the name of “Booked” to “Appointments Set” in the report details modal
  • Bug: Improve reporting query performance

Autoflow Future Appointments

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